Norwegian Seafood | Salt Roasted Norway🇳🇴Blue and white fish
To the fitness of friends to recommend a Norwegian blue and white fish from the cold and clean waters, the meat is firm, rich in oil. Used to make salt roasted blue and white fish, simple and fast, crisp outside and tender inside, super delicious, let's try it together!
Food Ingredients
Norwegian blue and white fish Half a bar
black pepper right amount
White pepper powder right amount
sea salt right amount
Lemon 1/4.
Cooking wine or sake 2 scoops
Olive oil right amount
Norwegian blue and white fish thaw, with kitchen paper to dry water.
Surface cut cross flower knife.
Sprinkle sea salt, black pepper, white pepper and cooking wine.
A little massage.
Flip the same sprinkle sea salt, black pepper, white pepper, cooking wine, a little massage. Let stand for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven at 210°C.
The well-set Norwegian mackerel is dried off with kitchen paper.
Spread tin foil on the baking tray, spray some olive oil on the tin foil, put Norwegian blue and white fish, spray olive oil on the surface of Norwegian blue and white fish, wipe well, and put it into the middle layer of preheated oven.
Bake at 210°C for 20 minutes.
Take it out after baking, squeeze lemon juice, put a beautiful plate and eat!
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