Net red matcha pudding roasted
Don't be scared by the 20 steps, just put the original original pudding cooking prescription that didn't write in it, and need to pay attention to the more detailed steps to make it clear, so that the small partners who like this online red dessert can do it well with less failure. Original Pudding Burn Prescriptions Link:
Food Ingredients
Milk Pudding: Milk 150g
light cream 85 grams
Egg yolk Two
Eggs 1
Matcha powder 4 grams
Fine granulated sugar 30 grams
Chiffon: Protein 108g
Egg yolk 72g
low gluten flour 58g
Fine granulated sugar 60g
corn oil 36 grams
warm milk 45g
Matcha powder 4 grams
Lemon Juice 4 drops
First make the milk pudding: 2 egg yolks and an egg into the egg bowl.
Add fine granulated sugar at once and stir until it is saccharified, no need to pass.
Pour the milk into the milk pan, heat over a low heat until the edges bubble up and turn off the heat.
Sift in matcha powder and mix well with tea.
Pour in the light cream, mix well, mix the temperature is just right.
Pour into the egg liquid in a streamlined manner, stir while pouring, avoid the egg liquid from being scalded, and sift twice.
Pour the pudding liquid into a high-temperature pudding cup and place it in a deep baking dish.
The baking tray is filled with warm water, about the 1/4 of the Pudding cup.
Place in a preheated oven at 130 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
After the pudding is baked, chiffon cake is made: matcha powder is poured into warm milk, mixed with tea flour, corn oil is poured into corn oil, stirred until emulsified, protein and egg yolk are separated, the protein is put into a water-free and oil-free egg basin, and the refrigerator is frozen for later use.
Sift the low powder into the oil-milk mixture and mix well.
Knock the yolk into the powder-oil-milk mixture.
Z-shaped stir to smooth matcha yolk paste.
Take out the egg white, drip into the lemon juice, add the fine granulated sugar into the egg white three times, and send it until it is moist and neutral.
Take the 1/3 egg white and egg yolk paste and mix them evenly up and down, then pour the mixed cake paste into the remaining egg white, mix them evenly in the same way, and put them into the decorating bag.
At this time, the matcha pudding is just placed until it is warm and the surface is semi-solidified.
Squeeze the cake batter into the pudding cup starting at the edge, cramming the entire pudding cup.
Scrape the surface of the pudding one by one with a spatula.
Put it in a preheated oven at 130 degrees, heat the middle and lower layers up and down, and bake for 55 minutes. When the remaining 10 minutes are left, put a spoon on the oven door to avoid thermal expansion and cold contraction, and the cake will shrink badly.
The baked cake is removed from the baking tray, burned on the fire, and printed on the cake to decorate.
Finished products
Finished products
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