Ten yuan to get sweet and sour poached eggs that are a hundred times better than meat.❗super appetizing
🥚Let's knock over the traditional poached eggs,❣Sweet and sour taste is the best egg I have ever eaten so far. Do you want to try it together?👩🏻‍🍳
Food Ingredients
Eggs 5
Raw smoke 2 scoops
mature vinegar 2 scoops
tomato sauce 2 scoops
white sugar 1 scoop
Starch 1 scoop
oyster sauce 1 scoop
Water half bowl
I like 8 medium rare
🥂🥂🥂Here comes the practice.
1 of⃣Let's make a fairy sugar and vinegar sauce first.👉🏻2 scoops➕2 tablespoons mature vinegar➕1 tablespoon oyster sauce➕1 spoonful of sugar➕2 tablespoons tomato sauce➕1 spoon starch➕Half a bowl of water stir evenly set aside.
2.⃣Now let's fry eggs and fry them as you like when they are ripe.
3.⃣Put the fried eggs into the pan, pour in the sauce, and boil over high heat to collect the juice.
I don't know until I eat it.
🌈🌈🌈Its advantage is that it is simple and super delicious.
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