The garlic-flavored cumin beef I made exploded at the barbecue shop!!
Cumin beef is too fragrant! The method is simple and can be done with hands. It is better than what you buy outside.😋
Food Ingredients
Beef Tenderloin 500g
Eggs 1
🌿🌿Practice: 1⃣Diced beef, add salt and pepper➕1 tablespoon cumin powder➕1 tablespoon fine chili noodles➕1 spoonful of soy sauce➕1 spoon starch➕Half an egg white, grab and marinate for 20 minutes for good taste.
2.⃣The oil temperature is 60%, the chopsticks are put in dense bubbles, the beef grains are put in, and the medium heat is fried for about 5 minutes. Try it with chopsticks, and you can take it out when you put it in gently.

3.⃣Stir-fry garlic and oyster sauce in a pan, add beef grains, add 1 spoon of cumin powder, 1 spoon of cumin grains, 1 spoon of cooked sesame seeds and 1 spoon of chili powder to mix evenly again
It's so tempting😍
Sisters👭come on a string
It smells good
Arrange at home this weekend.
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