Milk-flavored roasted steamed buns that are popular all over the netšŸ”„Grilled buns are as easy to make at home.
The real baked steamed buns, baked buns, baked buns and pancakes can be made with crisp outer skin and solid inner skin, super delicious and chewy baked buns with only ordinary flour, no eggs and no high gluten flour. There is no special mold for baking steamed bread. I used English wheat with a full score of six consecutive molds. The same color as the baked wheat is beautiful and delicious!šŸ”ŗMold single cup size 94 x 87 x 32mm
Food Ingredients
high sugar-tolerant yeast 3 grams
warm milk 160g
soft white sugar 20 grams
Milk powder 10 grams
plain flour 300g
aluminum-free baking powder 2 grams
unsalted butter 20 grams
šŸ‘‰Point to open and look at the big picture.

Melt the yeast in warm milk and add sugar, milk powder, flour and baking powder.
Stir into a surface flocculent, add butter, knead into a hard dough, do not need to knead the film, wake up for about 10 minutes.

Then catch up with the strip-shaped dough sheet, and use the dough press to press it several times repeatedly to make the dough firm. Only in this way can the baked buns be solid, dense and chewy.
Roll it up, knead it into long strips and divide it into six sections on average. It is best to weigh it with an electronic scale, each about 84 grams.

The noodle agent is kneaded round and put into the mold according to the flat shape. The temperature is 35 degrees and the humidity is 80 degrees. The fermentation is about 30 minutes and the fermentation is full until 89 minutes.

ā€¼Friends who do not have a mold can press a non-stick baking pan on the noodle agent. The baked steamed buns should be softer. If there is nothing, then don't put it, and the finished product will be softer.

šŸ”ŗI only rounded one, and the rest was just like the noodle agent standing up and baking it flat.
The dough is just high enough to cover without scraping the dough. After fermentation for 5.6 minutes, preheat the oven to 210 degrees.

Good fermentation into the oven in the lower 210 degrees about 18 minutes.

ā€¼My oven preheating time is 5.6 minutes, if your oven preheating time is long, according to their own oven to preheat in advance, to ensure good fermentation directly into the oven.

ā€¼The oven temperature and time are only for reference, adjust according to your own oven, and the crispy skin can only be baked quickly at high temperature.
Wow, it's beautiful!
The crust is crispy when it is baked. After a while, the crust will become soft, but it is just as delicious.

Keep it cool and seal it with a fresh-keeping bag. When eating, you can eat it directly without heating.
Breaking it inside is solid and dense, very chewy and delicious.
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