Chicken with Pepper Mash and Slippere
Today, I 'd like to share with you a delicious spicy and spicy chicken with saliva. It is spicy, delicious and delicious. It is simple and has zero failure. The Handicapped Party can also succeed at one time. Try it quickly!
Food Ingredients
Chicken Leg 3 only
millet pepper Two
Green pepper 1
minced garlic right amount
White Sesame 1 scoop
paprika 1 scoop
Flammulina velutipes 1
Stirring sauce: put green pepper and millet pepper rings in a bowl, 1 spoon garlic powder, 1 spoon chili powder, 1 spoon white sesame, 1 spoon chopped green onion and sprinkle with hot oil.
2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon white sugar 1 tablespoon oyster sauce a little salt 2 tablespoons pepper oil plus a few tablespoons boiled chicken leg soup stir well
Remove bone from chicken legs and put cold water into the pot, add scallion and ginger cooking wine and boil over high heat, skim off the floating foam, turn to medium heat and continue to cook for 15 minutes, remove and soak in ice water for 10 minutes.
Flammulina velutipes roots, wash, cook in chicken soup, remove and spread into a bowl.
Cut chicken legs into small pieces and put them on Flammulina velutipes, pour the sauce on them, and let them stand for about 20 minutes to taste more delicious ~
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