Who would have thought that the formula of sky-high butter cookies is the same as that of peach cakes!!!
When eating butter cookies, I felt that the taste was very similar to peach crisp, but it was not as strong as peach crisp. Therefore, baking powder and baking soda were removed from the recipe of peach crisp. Unexpectedly, I made butter cookies with good color and taste. I came to share them with you as soon as possible.
Food Ingredients
Butter 100g
Hazelnut Coked Butter 30 grams
powdered sugar 80g
Egg yolk 45g
low gluten flour 160g
Almond Powder 30 grams
Salt 1.5g
1 of⃣Make hazelnut caramel butter. Put 40g butter in the pan and heat it with small fire until black oil residue appears on the bottom of the pan. When you can smell the strong hazelnut aroma, leave the fire. The oil temperature in the whole process should not exceed 140 degrees. Then filter and cool to use. 40g butter made of hazelnut caramel butter about 30g. There is a video of making hazelnut butter in the menu on the homepage, you can have a look.
2.⃣Add the cold hazelnut butter to the softened butter, beat well, add the powdered sugar and mix well.
3.⃣Add the egg yolk in two times, stirring well each time and then add the next time.
4.⃣Add half of the mixed powder (low-gluten flour, almond powder, salt), mix well, then add the other half and mix well.
5 of⃣Put the dough between baking paper, roll to a thickness of 1cm, and freeze in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
6 is⃣Use the mold to press out the biscuits and place them with the mold on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
7 of⃣The oven is heated at 155-160 degrees for 30-35 minutes, and the hot air mode is turned on. The time should be added or subtracted according to the thickness of biscuits and the oven temperature.
8 of⃣After the hot demoulding can be cool.
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