The 6-inch Xiangfei Ancient Cake has a zero-failure formula. The hot noodle method has a moist and dense taste and has been tried and tested repeatedly, which is better than Qifeng Cake.
Xiangfei cake is very popular recently. Everything about Xiangfei is loved by people. I share one of them today. Xiangfei ancient early cake. The fundamental difference between ancient early cake and chiffon cake is the different baking method. The ancient early baking method uses water bath to increase the humidity inside the oven, thus making the taste of the cake more moist and dense. From the point of view of the production method, the ancient early cake and chiffon cake are very similar, both of which are made by dividing eggs and sending protein. The Xiangfei ancient cake I shared today uses the scalding method, which can make the cake more successful, taste better, and more suitable for novice Xiaobai with less baking experience.
Food Ingredients
Eggs 3
low gluten flour 60g
Milk 55g
corn oil 40g
Lemon Juice 5 drops
Fine granulated sugar 45g
Desiccated Coconut 10 grams
Salad Dressing 30 grams
Sift the low-gluten flour into a drying basin in advance, heat the corn oil to about 75 degrees and leave the fire, immediately pour it into the low-gluten flour, and quickly stir well with egg extraction.
When the temperature drops to warm, add milk and stir well, add three egg yolks and stir until smooth, no dry powder and no particles, and the egg yolk paste is prepared for later use.
To deal with the egg white, three egg whites are poured into a drying basin, lemon juice is added, and the electric egg beater is sent to a small curved hook state that is wet and dry. As shown in the figure, fine granulated sugar is added three times during the period.
Add the 1/3 egg white cream to the egg yolk paste and mix it evenly, then pour it back into the remaining egg white cream and mix it evenly in the same way. The cake paste is finished.
Pour into a six-inch chiffon cake mold, wrap tin paper around the mold to avoid water ingress and shock bubbles. Squeeze out grid lines with salad dressing on the surface, and sift a layer of coconut powder on the top.
Midea Q30 oven is preheated in advance. When preheating, add clear water to the bottom baking tray, heat up and down at 150 degrees, bake the middle and lower layers for 60 minutes.
As the baking time increases, the cake begins to swell, healing picture
The baked cake shakes out the heat from the oven, tears off the tin paper around it to dissipate heat, and puts it on a net rack to cool it. There is no need to buckle it upside down. The cake will shrink a little, which is a normal phenomenon.
The bottom surface is flat and has no depression, the internal organization is delicate and dense, and the breaking makes a rustling sound. It tastes moist and dry. It is delicious!
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